Finding Hope In A World of I Don’t Care

The other day while Sweet T and I were sharing the love of Jesus down at the Center of Hope women’s shelter, we both had the opportunity to visit with a homeless family that we’d met there on a previous trip Downtown. 

Pamela, the 71 year old family matriarch, her adult daughter Heather, and Pamela’s grandson Nathanael have been homeless several months now since they lost their apartment. After a number of life events happened causing them to get behind on the rent, they found themselves drowning from the sheer financial weight of trying to keep a roof over their head. 

You’d never know from his big grin or joyful laugh that Nathanael suffers from cerebral palsy and spends most of his time confined to a wheelchair. Nathanael is filled with tremendous joy; a gift he undoubtedly gets from his mother and grandmother. 

Yes, their faces reflect the troubles they face but their countenance exudes confidence that comes from an unflinching faith, even amidst the hardships they face. They are a tight knit family of three, determined to see each other through this rough patch. 

Nathaniel’s father isn’t presently in the picture, too busy grappling demons of his own. 

What follows below is a poem Pamela shared with us and that she’s given me her permission to share with you. 

Living on the streets, Pamela sees a lot of things that give her pause and cause her to contemplate the world that surrounds her. She meditates on big things, recording her ruminations on any scrap paper she can rustle up. 

This is not the first difficult time she’s endured. She is determined to persevere and share her faith with a lost and fallen world in need of a Savior. “Trust in Jesus,” Pamela would readily tell you. “The Lord won’t never let you down.”

Here is her poem “Hope in a World of I Don’t Care”, shared with her permission and encouragement.


Is there any hope out there in a world of I don’t care?

Is there any hope out there when people are too busy going from here to there?

Is there any hope out there where all kinds of violence occurs everyday and everywhere?

Is there any hope out there when social media and cyber-bullying is so rampant in our schools all around the world?

Is there any hope out there when and where hatred and racism are more prevalent today than yesterday?

Is there any hope out there where there are too many homeless people in the streets who don’t have a place to go in our world?

Is there any hope out there when the government is cutting programs, jobs, and needed funding to function in the U.S.?

Is there any hope out there where neighbors don’t get to know each other and help each other out when needed?

Is there any hope out there in a world of I don’t care?

Yes, there is hope and all you have to do is look to Heaven and ask God to take care of everything you are thinking of from this poem.

I wrote this poem from my heart and my thoughts.

Pamela Park 6/25/2017

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 ESV



  1. Agent X says:

    Reblogged this on Fat Beggars School of Prophets and commented:

    When I found Pamela’s Poem, I figured I would give it a boost and share it on my blog too. Please visit the Devotional Guy and leave Pamela a word of encouragement. And remember her family in your prayers tonight!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Agent X says:

    Amen! Preach it, Pamela… Preach it!


  3. BrookeM says:

    I came over from Fat Beggars School of Prophets. This is a wonderful post. Thank you for sharing Pamela’s poem. I’m praying for her and her family this morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Amen! Glad you found my site. Yes, they definitely can use everyone’s prayers. Thanks for sharing!


  5. Thanks for passing it on!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Agent X says:

    I hope others will too.

    This is the Word of God. It does not go out in vain. It is the Word of God given to Pamela, and now to us. May we all take heart. May we pass it on. May the world be changed.

    God bless you for sharing it!

    Liked by 1 person


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  8. Thank you Anita. I think you’re right that Pamela nailed her thoughts and observations Anita. And the world is a harsh place. Pamela’s poem captures that harshness. But I her poem also reminded me of the countless times I personally witnessed and experienced both a God who cares and people who care. And as she so poignantly exhorts, we just need to turn our eyes heavenward.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. So thankful for our God who does care…and also for the few still left in this seemingly godless world!.


  10. Victor F Jaso says:

    I am just now seeing this “most wonderful poem” & will definitely share it with my family & friends. We definitely need a reminder “that we NEED to care”

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thanks Victor!

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  12. Victor F Jaso says:

    I was just randomly looking at different posts & came across this one. My heart goes out to Pamela & her family but more than anything I pray they have found a home of their own again. Her poem really touched me mainly because I have a grandson who has everything he needs & still has that “I don’t care” attitude. I’ve finally come to the point where all I can do is pray for him & allow God to get through to him. I’m sharing this poem once again because it’s time we ALL started “to care more”!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Well said and thanks for sharing. Last I heard Pamela and crew were in Fort Worth working on getting back on their feet.

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  14. Reblogged this on The Devotional Guy and commented:

    For the next several days, I’m going to re-post some of the most popular Devotional Guy posts from 2017. To get things started, I thought I’d begin with this one inspired by a homeless woman and a poem she wrote.

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