The Christian Blogger Support Network

The other night, I couldn’t sleep. Ever have one of those nights? A lot of thoughts and ideas were running through my mind. I couldn’t get my brain to shut off. I tried. And I tried some more. Nothing worked. My brain was revved up with nowhere to go. So at 2:16 am, two hours before I normally wake up, I decide to quit tossing and turning and get up.

Mixed in with a dreamy concoction of concerns about work, my mom, and life in general, was the idea that fellow Christian bloggers needed to form a network to support each other’s blogs.

Recently, through conversations with several fellow Christian bloggers, God made it clear to me that growing the community of Christian bloggers is something worth pursuing.

Blogging is hard. It’s harder when you do it alone. This is exponentially more true for niche bloggers and even more true for bloggers of the Christian faith.

We need a Christian Blogger Support Network to encourage one another, to share ideas, to provide guest post opportunities, and to help promote each other’s blogs. One way we can do that is to build a stronger blogging community for fellow Christian bloggers.

I think it requires interacting with each other’s blogs. It would also demand that we respect some of our theological and doctrinal differences. That can be tricky. But, I believe it is doable.

What say you? Want to give it a try?

What are Some of Your Favorite Christian Blogs?

Here are 5 of my favorite Christian blogs (not in any particular order):

1. Mitch Teemley

2. The Christian Tech-Nerd

3. David’s Daily Dose

4. Ken’s Christian Devotions

5. Lessons from a Lab

Let’s support one another by helping get the word out about each other’s blogs. Blogging is hard. Community makes it easier.


The Devotional Guy™


  1. larkenel says:

    Please include us too. We’re new to WP. Bless you! And thank you! 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m glad you found my blog and I am grateful for your encouragement.


  3. Fantastic idea! God bless us all and make us His blazing light here on earth. Wishing all the Christian bloggers a bountiful harvest of souls for Christ through blogging. Amen.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for reading this post and checking out my blog.

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  5. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


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