The Fruit of the Spirit: JOY

My late friend, Mark Jones, loved to declare “God is good all the time! All the time God is good!” Mark exuded joy.

JOY: A deep-seated sense of well-being and delight in God’s presence, regardless of circumstances.

T and me

As a fruit of the Spirit, joy is a profound marker of the Christian life. Whereas happiness often depends on outside circumstances, joy is a steadfast trust in God’s promises and presence, no matter our current situation.

Joy is not rooted in our surroundings or in the current happenings of life but rather in the unchangeable nature of God as He works in our lives. This joy transcends understanding. It is a gift that enables believers to face trials and tribulations with a heart steadfast in the assurance of God’s goodness and love.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

Galatians 5:22-23 (NLT)

Even in the midst of imprisonment and suffering, The Apostle Paul exemplified biblical joy. Paul’s letters, filled with praise and thanksgiving, remind us that joy is possible even when life seems bleak.

One of the comments I often hear from our volunteers on Saturdays is that they are surprised, if not shocked, by the joy and hopefulness our homeless guests demonstrate.

This holy joy delivers a divine strength that sustains believers, empowering them to rejoice not in their circumstances but in the immutable character of God as well as the assurance of His promises.

If God says it, then He will do it. Count on it.

When you reflect on a situation in your life that makes it challenging to feel joy, how can you apply the understanding that joy is rooted in your faith in God’s goodness, rather than in your external circumstances, to help you change your perspective on that situation?

Praying for us. We are all works in progress.

You are loved.

Rainer Bantau —The Devotional Guy™


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