Post-Pandemic Yard Art

While getting ready for a solo art exhibition, I received the opportunity to share my work at a second exhibit that actually runs prior to my other show.

In the process, I’ve learned putting together an art show is similar to making a record. My first exhibit will be like an EP (extended play album ), whereas my second solo show will be more like a full length album. [If all goes well, maybe we’ll go on tour and have the opportunity to share my work with others in other venues (haha!)].

Listen—I’ve learned not to underestimate God’s plans for my life.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.

Ephesians 3:20 (NLT)  

The Conversation
Dimensions 11 x 15
The average human has 27 conversations a day. Conversations increase our happiness and reduce our stress. They are the cornerstone of relationships. Conversations let us know we are alive and part of something. Conversations remind us we are created for community.
Dimensions 18 x 24
A couple of weeks before his untimely death, Kevin (aka Black) and I talked as he sought out Jesus. He knew he needed Christ to change his life. And then he died.
Blue-Eyed Man
Dimensions 18×24
Mixed Media (charcoal, ink, pastel)
Shakespeare said that windows are the eyes of the soul. The gospel writer Luke says “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness.” [Luke 11:34, ESV] When you look into someone’s eyes you learn their story.
Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!
Dimensions 14×17
Pen & Ink
At times, the flood of needs is overwhelming. People shout out to you so much that eventually you hear voices even when no one is there. Auditory hallucinations are weird at first; then you turn them into art.
Dimensions 16×20
I met Adrian for the first time during Snowmaggedon 2021 at the Dallas Convention Center. He lit up the room wearing a dog suit. In 2023, life on the streets caught up with him and extinguished his light and his troubled life.
Dimensions 16×20
This self portrait reveals what was going on inside under the facade outside.
ONE: A Modern Psalm
Dimensions 15 x 30
Written Word

All Works ©2024 Rainer Bantau 
All Rights Reserved 

As I’ve pursued my artistic endeavors, it’s been interesting to see God open unexpected doors like providing opportunities to share my art publicly and to create consignment pieces for friends who’ve asked.

Truthfully, the artwork shown here stems more from Snowmaggedon 2021 than the COVID-19 pandemic that held our world hostage for three years (and continues to impact society negatively today).

Is it any good? The old proverb says “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Art is subjective. I’m just honored to have the opportunity to share what I’ve created with others. I hope they enjoy it. I pray they engage with it.

All that matters is that you are making something you love, to the best of your ability, here and now.

Rick Rubin, The Creative Act

What started out as a means of therapy has begun to grow into something more than I could have imagined.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the Lord does with my creative offering.

Praying for us. We are all works in progress.

You are loved.

Rainer Bantau —The Devotional Guy™



  1. It’s very good.

    Liked by 1 person

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