My Monday Morning Cup | Is Being With God a Priority for You?

I’ve been thinking a lot about the difference in doing for God versus being with God. There are times I find myself busy doing things for the King and His Kingdom when I should simply focus on being in the Lord’s presence.

Sweet T and I enjoy each other’s company. We enjoy spending time together. We like to do stuff together, experience life, and enjoy a few laughs. But, we are also happy and content just hanging out with one another without a busy agenda or a bunch of activity. We can just sit with each other, enjoying each other’s company. I miss being with Terri when we aren’t together. I feel a little incomplete when she’s not physically there with me even though I know she’s present in my heart, soul, and mind.

I believe that’s what my relationship with God should look more like, too. I need to bask in the glory of being in His presence, not doing anything or trying to achieve something. God delights in us and yearns to spend time with us. We need to learn to delight in Him and cherish just sitting in His presence, talking with Him, enjoying being together. In our busy, activity-focused world, spending time with God can be a hard spiritual discipline to master.

The Lord doesn’t need us to do anything for Him in order for Him to love us, delight in us, or desire time with us. He is glad, I believe, when we pour ourselves a cup of coffee, sit on our patio, and give Him some of our time and attention. It pleases God when we want to spend time with Him.

So today, I encourage you to carve out time to be with God, not doing, working, serving, striving, or achieving…but just being. Focus your thoughts on Him. Speak with the Holy Spirit. Thank Him for Jesus. Tell the Lord about your day. Share the highs and lows of your life with Him. Contemplate His goodness. Meditate on the truth of His word. Sit a spell and bask in His presence.

May your day be filled with blessings and overflowing with favor. In Jesus’ name.


The Devotional Guy™

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  1. simplywendi says:

    I love the way you wrote about your wife!!! 🙂 God bless you both!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you Wendi!

    Liked by 1 person

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