If I Only Knew Then…

Each day, I get a daily blogging prompt to help me generate ideas for a post in the unusual event that I am fresh out of things to write about or find my drafts folder empty.

I’ve been fortunate that my drafts folder is overflowing and that the Holy Spirit and people I engage with have provided me with ample inspiration.

Then I received the following prompt:

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

I felt an irresistible —and somewhat irrational—urge to respond.

Do you remember your teenage years? They were an awkward yet blessed time. Odds are you have vivid memories from your misspent youth like I do. Some elicit a hearty laugh. Others may make you weep, still.

After some contemplation, and not without considerable consternation, I whittled down my list of advice.

A Younger Version of Me

Here are 3 tips that I would share with my teenage self:

1. Be more intentional. Have a more sound plan. Love the people you’re with longer and better.

2. Invest more. Don’t spend all your money on bad habits. Set some aside. Sock a bit of what you make away. Watch it grow over time.

3. You’ll get over her. Remember that girl (or boy) who broke your heart? I know it may seem hard to believe now, but trust me—this too shall pass and you’ll get over her (him).

These are 3 simple tips that I would go back and share with my teenage self.

But here’s the deal: You can’t go back in time. You can only move forward. Time is the most precious asset you have and once it’s gone, it’s gone. Spend your time wisely.

One last bit of advice I’d give my teenage self:

Get to know Jesus better sooner.

With Prayerful Blessings,

[Tell somebody about Jesus today!]

Rainer Bantau —The Devotional Guy™



  1. Wow! Love the mullet on the younger version of you! Classic hair cut!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Amen, brother Rainer. I can identify with your advice—especially the part about saving money earlier in my life. You’re also spot on that there is no Deloreon (with a flux capacitor) to take us back to the past or into the future. All we have is right now, and a sure hope of heaven—if we’ve trusted in Christ.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thank you for reading my post and commenting. Yes, it was—I believe I was one of the first with that particular cut. My hair was growing back after I’d had it cut for an acting role (musical) that I was in.

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  4. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and for reading my post, David. Yes—as believers we should lean toward being future-minded.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Awesome and thanks for sharing it!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You’re welcome!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Right !?! I agree. Thanks for reading!

    Liked by 2 people

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