3 Things I Learned From My Dad

Yesterday, was Father’s Day—a day that didn’t officially become a holiday until 1972. It’s a day I face with very mixed emotions. My Dad is gone. He and I had a difficult, tumultuous relationship at best. But, we had good times, as well.

I don’t have any kids. At least none that have ever written, called, or unexpectedly shown up at my front door.

So there’s that whole thing about not having kids that we aren’t going to get into now.

God knows why. Even if I don’t.

Me and Dad circa 1973-74

3 Things I Learned From My Dad

1. Get up and go to work. Life is not free. No one will feed you if you don’t feed yourself.

2. Character matters. Be a man (or woman) of your word. Be honest, especially when it’s hard. Don’t cheat; don’t lie.

3. Step into the unknown with confidence. This is perhaps the most valuable lesson of all. It epitomizes his life. From a young boy stepping on a refugee ship fleeing his German home, navigating waters infested with Russian subs and praying for safekeeping from the bombs falling from the fighter planes above, to leaving all he had grown to know for the opportunity of a better future as a young husband and father supporting a family, my Dad embraced a world he could not foresee.

Life is full of problems. You can’t run from them. Your only hope is to try and solve them.

Know you are loved.

Rainer Bantau —The Devotional Guy™



  1. Rainer, I appreciate these reflections. My own Dad encouraged my work ethic, perseverance, and unselfishness.

    Liked by 1 person

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